Privacy policy.

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: January 1st, 2021

Twenty1 takes seriously the confidentiality of your personal information. The following Privacy Policy sets forth our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website only and does not apply to any other website owned or maintained by Twenty1 or any third party. BY ACCESSING OR USING THIS WEBSITE, YOU HEREBY AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY AND CONSENT TO THE COLLECTION AND USE OF INFORMATION AS DISCUSSED IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY, DO NOT ACCESS THIS WEBSITE.

Twenty1 reserves the right to modify or amend this Privacy Policy at any time. All changes will be effective immediately upon posting to this website. Material changes will be conspicuously posted on this website. By accessing or using this website after such changes are posted you agree and consent to all such changes.

Personally Identifiable Account Information

Twenty1 may collect information you voluntarily share with us in registering for and receiving services, as well as other information, for example through Internet Protocol ("IP") addresses and the use of "cookies," which may be placed on your computer when you access the website. (See the sections on IP Addresses and Cookies below.)

Twenty1 may collect any content, record, or electronic communication of any kind that you choose to provide to us, including your (1) name, (2) address, email address, and phone number, and (3) other information required to provide educational services from Twenty1. We use the information you provide us to provide you with the information or services that you request. We also use your contact information as you provide it to communicate with you and send you information and materials for marketing and other purposes.

IP Addresses

Twenty1 logs IP addresses for systems administration purposes. IP addresses are not used to track a user's session. This information only helps us determine how often different areas of our site are visited. We do not link IP address to any information that is personally identifiable.


Twenty1 may use cookies to track the use of our website and to facilitate and enhance your experience on our website. "Cookies" are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. Our cookies enable us to facilitate access to different aspects of our website. For example, by showing when and how you and others visit our website, cookies help us to see which pages of the website are popular and which are not. Cookies can also help us to improve your enjoyment of this website, for example, by remembering your address or other personal information when you request information or services on the website.

Information Sharing

We do not sell, rent or loan any of your personally identifiable information to any third party. We may use and share personally identifiable information with third parties specifically involved in the delivery of the services from Twenty1.

In addition, we may use and share aggregated information that does not uniquely identify you for any purpose, including without limitation to improve and enrich our services and website content, to provide benchmarking information or for marketing our services.

In addition, Twenty1 reserves the right to use and share your information in the event Twenty1 believes doing so is necessary to operate this website or where such disclosure may be required by law, or to protect Twenty1’s right or the rights of others.

Twenty1 maintains full rights to any information collected on this website, and may freely collect, use and disclose such information unless prohibited by this Privacy Policy or applicable law. In the event of a change in control of Twenty1 or sale by Twenty1 of substantially all of its assets or a reorganization or merger, any information owned by or in the control of Twenty1 may be transferred to such Twenty1 successor, who will comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Your Choices

When corresponding or communicating with Twenty1, you choose whether to correspond or communicate and you choose what information to supply. Please take care to share only such information as is needed or that you believe is appropriate.

You are under no obligation to provide us with personally identifiable information, but without it we may not be able to provide you the products or services you request.

Twenty1 may use your personal information to send you promotional communications. You have the opportunity to opt-out of receiving such promotional communications from us at any time. To discontinue your receipt of such promotional communications, simply click on "SafeUnsubscribe" to opt out.

In addition, although most web browsers automatically accept cookies, you can disable this function so that your browser will not accept cookies. Please be aware that disabling this function may impact your use and enjoyment of this website.

Access by Children

This website is not directed toward children under 13 years of age and Twenty1 does not knowingly collect or use information from children under 13 through this website.

Do Not Track/Online Behavioural Advertising

We will automatically collect cookies and other non-personally identifying information when you visit this site. Due to this automatic collection, we do not currently honor do not track requests. We also currently do not participate in any online ad network that tracks users across websites.


We limit access to personally identifiable information about you to our employees and third-party agents who we reasonably believe need to have access to your information to provide you with the information or services you request from Twenty1. Your information is stored and maintained with our third party hosting provider that uses industry standard physical, administrative and technical measures to help ensure the accessibility, security and integrity of your information.

This website has security measures in place to help protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. While we cannot guarantee that loss, misuse or alteration to data will not occur, Twenty1 uses industry standards, such as Secure Socket Layers ("SSL") technology, to help safeguard against such occurrences. In certain areas, the information passed between your browser and our system is encrypted with SSL technology to create a protected connection between you and our website to ensure confidentiality. In the event that a breach into our security systems occurs and there is a possibility that an unauthorized person acquires your personal information, Twenty1 will notify you of such a breach under applicable law.

Access to Your Personal Information

If you wish to have access to your personal information in our records, please contact us with your request at You may also request that we update your personal information or correct any factual errors that you believe may exist regarding this information.

Third-Party Websites

This website may link to, or be linked to, other websites not maintained by or related to Twenty1. Twenty1 is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third parties or third-party websites, including any linked or linking websites. To the extent that you disclose personally identifiable information to any such third parties, different rules may apply to their use and disclosure of personal information that you disclose to them. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of such websites before disclosing your personal information to them.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:


7814 Gateway boulevard, Edmonton Alberta, Canada